
Wednesday, February 21, 2007


Border of territory

Pasuruan Located accross Malang, Probolinggo and Surabaya, which the border area are :- North side : Madura strait.- East side : District Rejoso .- South side : District Gondang Wetan dan Pohjentrek - West side : District Kraton.
The Area lies on 112°.45 to 112°.55 east longitude and 7°.35 to 7°.45 south longititude . the height range 0 - 10 m from the sea surface.

Natural Condition

Pasuruan is a lowland, the slope is 0 - 1 %, has 6 rivers with the total length ± 26.50 km, so by making a technic irrigation condusif for farming specially paddy, while near the beach there are potencial place for fisher / shrimps's pond.

Area Width

Pasuruan is 35,29 km² wide, divide into 3 districts consist of 810 RTs and 64 RWs, 34 villages(15 villages dan 19 villages ), the population 209.946 people (Data per Mei 2001).

Soil Type

The soil / lana is appropriate for farming by using technic irrigation Quality of water is quite high, because its vulcanical area, rich of mineral nara. the ctraple food is Paddy which growns on wet season and dry season. to plant the vegetable in dry season need special treatment because of drainase.


Fall of rain average each year 1337 mm, With dry (119 mm / month) and raining (200 mm / month ). while follow a map Agroklimat Jawa madura oldeman included type climate D2.
The Population highly increase per year . at the last of Mei 2001 listed that the population Pasuruan about 209.946 people by the solidity of rate 5.949/Km2.

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