
Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Symbol Of Pasuruan City

Base of Rules

Rules Pasuruan City No : 7 / 1971 on 28 September 1971 and has been book on the sheet of East Java on 22 June 1972, No : 27/B.

The Meaning Of Symbol

1. Sura Dira Satya Pati :

Brave, Firm and loyal to the leader of the country and religion .

2. Colour :

a. Base Of Symbol : Green, Blue b. Border Trip : Red White, Features the protection and the spirit of red & white. c. Monumen And Paddy : Yellow with the black contour. The monumen describe the victory on the struggling againts the colony. d. Sea and Mountain : Green and the blue with the black contour symbolize the living. e. Cotton : White, green, blue and black contour describe about the prosperous and safety.

3. a. Shape of Shield a oval :
Describe the feature of defeanting from all the potension in Pasuruan .

b. Monument :
Describe the reult of the struggling against the colony thet give victory.

c. The Star :
Pancasila as the fundamental and the faith of the only one god.

d. Paddy & Cotton :
17 bunchs of padi at left side and 8 bunchs of cotton at the right side describe properous and safety of the city done to the clothes and food, economic element etc. That include the development of the aspect of life.

e. Sea and Mountain :
Pasuruan lies between the mount bromo and madura strait.

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